Dec 3, 2020Liked by Meghan Palmer

This is super relatable! I just discovered that my college boyfriend is married. I also recently discovered a journal entry where I listed all of the things I loved about him and why I wanted us to end up together. It's tough to admit I still have feelings for this person who has so clearly moved on without me, but it's true that along with keeping confessions about our current partner quiet, there is a societal standard to remove all feelings from previous partners by a certain point. I agree that bottling up romantic grievances from the past and present can leave one feeling more isolated and less motivated, and strongly vouch for the community approach.

Also love that third piece on improving ourselves lol fuck the Apple watch.

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Dec 6, 2020Liked by Meghan Palmer

This was very thoughtfully written and something I hadn't thought about before, but absolutely relate to. I find I'm feeling this more acutely during shelter-in-place, as I can't leave my home to see friends and family and my S.O. is always within earshot of my calls and Zooms.

This also made me think about how at many traditional Christian/Western weddings, all the wedding guests are often asked to agree to support and watch over the couple as part of the ceremony. Interesting that so many people include this in their weddings yet don't actually lean on that support system when they need it.

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Dec 3, 2020Liked by Meghan Palmer

Well, this hit home! Our next sister call, I know what I want to talk about. <3

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