Oct 1, 2020Liked by Meghan Palmer

This one made me cry so hard. I love the idea of remembering the joys and happy moments as much as the sad ones. Maybe that comes with age and experience? Through all the good and bad of childhood, I mostly now think that I am so lucky. I hope I always feel that way for the rest of my life.

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This story made me laugh and want to cry. So sweet! I had a recent experience, where I got to see a home video at Christmas when I was about 2 or 3. It was so fascinating to look back and see myself from the outside looking in. My brothers who are 5 and 7 years older were disregarding me (lol, their annoying baby sister) as I was excitedly opening gifts. One of my brothers lightly pushed me out of his way and quicker than a ray of light my dad grabbed me to protect me. I never thought of my dad as "overly protective or comforting" - he was always such a stern/strict figure when I was growing up. But seeing that moment gave me a whole new perspective, and really touched me. My teens with me dad were so hard, but now in my adult life, we are best friends. So seeing that moment reminded me, my dad has loved and cared for me every step of the way, even when I was oblivious and just couldn't see it.

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